Fingerprint Project

Some time in April my LA class did a project about finger prints because about a book we read. We didn’t have ink pads so we had to get creative and used graphite and tape for the project. What we did was we put lots of graphite on our fingers and after you do that you then put tape on your finger that has graphite on it and hold it for about two seconds then take the tape off and put it on a pice of paper the repeat that same process nine more times or more. The next thing we did was pretty interesting, we took our fingerprints and compared them to see what kind of fingerprints we had.


1. Did you know that Koalas do have finger prints!

2. Did you know that it’s impossible to have the same fingerprints as someone else can not even twins can!

3. did you know that your fingerprint will even if you burn your finger it just grows back!

4. Did you know that fingerprints can never change because it grows bigger just like you!

5. Did you know that one of the rarest fingerprint to have is an accidental.

6. Did you know that some people are born without them!

7. Did you know that you pets might have them too.

8. Did you know that they can be used for crime scenes.

That’s mine.

The Monkey’s Paw

Another school assembly and we got to see the Chamber Theatre and we were the last audience that they got to preform for, so we felt pretty special. We were given two performances one being The Monkey’s Paw and the second being The Cursed Necklace, as you saw from the title I’m going to talk about the Monkeys Paw because it was my favorite performance. The monkey’s paw, by W.W. Jacob, a horror story about three family members and one paw, a monkey’s paw, this paw could grant wishes and of course it had to be three wishes, but be careful for what you wish for it might not be what you expect.

Go read the book to find out.

Astronaut Visit

In April the whole middle school got a visit for an astronaut named Colonel Virts and talked toys about many different things from his adventure to and from space, he told us about his books and his childhood and I really enjoyed it because I personally always wanted to hear what space is like from an astronaut that has actually seen, felt, and just been there. My favorite part about it was the part when people could ask questions because some of the questions were vary funny and then their were his answers that actually were pretty surprising. On question that was my favorite and it was pretty interesting was, “Can you get wifi and emails in space” and he said yes because of the satellites in space. Go check out his website at Terry Virts and read his make sure to read his book.

Pictures by my LA teacher Mrs. W

Food truck rodeo & makers market

On May 3, the school had a food truck rodeo and Makers market that they have every year. For the food truck kids can use cash or credit to pay for the food trucks but for the makers market they had to bring cash. The food truck rodeo is when a bunch of food and/or drink trucks come to the school, and kids can go to what ever truck they want to and order food. The makers market is when kids can make or cook things that other kids can buy what they want. For me I brought cash because I didn’t know my parents were ok with me bringing my credit card. At the start of the truck rodeo  I first got some dumplings from Sister Lue’s restaurant, then went to the makers market and got an brownie ice cream sundae it was probably the best one I’ve tasted in my life. Then having 30 minutes to spare I went to the Boba tea truck and it was such a long line and plus the people who are super annoying and asking their friends to pay for them and people trying to cut the line which was already long enough, but in the end I never got the Boba I wanted because the people in front of us didn’t know what they wanted, so the whole thing was just a wast box time. The worst part about it was it would have been my first Boba I’ve gotten by myself.

Pop-up books

On April, I don’t know what day it is , but it was in April. On that day we made pop-up books and in the middle of the book, when it pops up, we had to make it a 3D imagine of what our planet looked like on the inside. For the book, the items we used to make them were Akua ink, paint, paper glue and more, the person who taught us how to make them was Peg Gignoux! Please go and check out her website at GignoxART, its a vary cool websites and make shore to join her team.



Stock market

In LA the 6th grade class is read a book called “The Westing Game” it’s a murder mystery about a $200,000 billionaire getting killed by one of the 16 people that he made heirs, if  one of them would win the westing game that he made before he died. The main character of this book is a girl name Turtle Wexler, but her real name is Tabitha Ruth.  We are also playing the stock market because in the book  Turtle thought the instructions of the game were to invest in Westing paper products for the Stock Market. For my group we invested in Home Depot, T mobile, Mc Donald, Nike and Microsoft and at the start we were losing a lot of money *fake money*, we’ve been doing pretty well so far.

That is our team name and how much money we’ve been making in the stock market. I know it’s not much but we’ve made more money.

The other photo is a photo of our spreadsheet for the stocks so we can see how much money we are making.



Hola, ¿Cómo estás? Espero que todo vaya bien. Me llamo Emmanuel y tengo 12 años y vivo en Chapel Hill. Voy a hablar de Durham.


Primero, El estadio de Los Toros de Durham es  emocionante, divertido y popular.  Además, puedes visitar la tienda de recuerdos, ver un juego de béisbol, comer en el restaurante y visitar el museo. También, hay un restaurante, un estadio y está lleno de fanáticos. ¿Te gusta el béisbol? ¿Qué te gusta? 


Segundo, la Universidad de Durham es alta, guay y muy grande . Asimismo, tú puedes caminar con tus amigos, estudiar, jugar fútbol americano con tus amigos y hablar con tus amigos. Además, hay muchos estudiantes, clases y edificios. ¿Te gusta la escuela? ¿Cuál actividad es tu favorita?


Tercero, el Museo de arte Nasher es famoso, moderno y colorido. También, tú puedes tomar fotos, ver pintura, hablar con tu familia y caminar. ¿Te gusta el arte? ¿Que divertido es tu favorito?   


Cuarto, el parque estatal de Eno River es muy verde, turístico y grande. Además, hay muchos animales, plantas y flores. También, tú puedes caminar en el parque, escuchar música y pasar tiempo con tus amigos o tu familia. ¿Te gusta el parque? ¿Cúal es tu parque favorito?

Finalmente, en mi opinión Durham es muy buenita, bulliciosa y enorme. Asimismo, hay edificios, lagos y calles. Además, tú puedes bailar, comer con tu familia, visitar parques y visitar los lagos. ¿Cúal es tu ciudad favorita?   


Gracias por tu atención y espero que todo vaya bien.  



Emmanuel Hornstein



Science class

In science class we are learning about Seismology, Geochronology, Volcano, Topography, and I am in the Geochronology and that is mostly focused on the different ages of water.

Our teacher gave each group maps with different things on them for my group we got a colorful map, on the key it showed that blue was the oldest part of the sees and red was the newest. If you ask me and every one in my science class my group had the hardest map to figure out.

This is Volcanology.

This is Topography.


This is Geochronology, the one I did.

And last but not least, Seismology.

Museum of Science and History

On 1/27/23 the whole 6th grade class went on a field trip to the Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh, NC. While we were there we did a survey, on the survey there were two sides. We when to a gallery about black history and the history behind race because that was what the first side was about.

After everyone was done with that we went to a gallery about meteors because that was on the back. They told us to go find when a meteorite hit North Carolina as a challenge question and when we did that we went to check when other meteorites hit the world so we could fill out the survey.

After we did both sides of the survey we got to enjoy the outdoors by going to see some historical monuments.  fter that we whent back inside to learn about dinosaurs, fish, birds, whales, and other animals. We got to go over a bridge that connects to the other side of the museum and at the end we got to see a globe but like 20x bigger!

I would definitely recommend this museum if you are looking for something to explore around NC and if you want to see some incredible things.

Ps, thats not the globe I was talking about. There is another one on the side of the museum outside. The picture was taken by my teacher.

Perfect planet

In LA we are reading The Last Cuentista by Donna Higuera. The main character has to leave Earth and go live on another planet. In class we did a project where we created a perfect planet and we described what would it be like. I am going to tell you what my planet is like. My planet is named Manu, it has a ring around it so people can run on it. The wild life is called, “Walking Nature” because most of the wild life will be walking, including the plants!

I named my the planet Manu because that is my name in Hebrew, and no I do not speak Hebrew, it was from my sister. Back to my planet, it has 5 moons that collapsed together and almost made its own planet, I named it Cleo.

Here is what I wrote for the project…

A Perfect World

My Perfect World

  • The Name of my planet: Manu

Location of my planet Elliptical Galaxy, next to Ellitra the star.

  • Physical features in my world: Manu is going to have a ring on the outside for humans to run on, but they can’t stay there forever because it has a limit and it is 17h and if they go past that limit the if they go outside of the rings then you will die because the planet will stop providing oxygen then you will suffocate. It only has two seasons that are like earth’s seasons and they are called sumter and winmer.

Plants: All plants are purple and red, and sometimes they might be both colors. The plants can also produce food on Manu. Some people brought plants from earth to plant and the rest were already on the planet. Some have the ability to move around and some can take the forms of objects from Earth. Be careful, one of them is called the adshifter, and it can look like a human. Some humans brought water from earth, But on Manu the liquid there is called “I.H.F.T”. It can change into any kind of liquid it wants to change into, and not just safe ones to drink. It changes depending on how it is feeling, and yes, it has feelings. If you make it feel a certain way then it would change into a different kind of liquid based on how you made it feel. Hoping that people will be nice to it, it will give them whatever liquid they want, but if you’re mean to it it might just poison you. 

Rocks: If you look at a rock it will transform to look like your face, or into whatever you want it to turn into. If it lets, you can tell it to change into whatever material you want it to change into. But just be careful, it might turn on you. The air can turn into whatever color mood you are feeling when you breathe, and it can make anything that is a solid float. You have to ask a parent or guardian if you can make those things float because nobody wants to die because they floated to high

Sky / Moons: 5 moons that collapsed together, so I named it Cleo. The sky will have lighting in it, but don’t worry it’s safe to touch. The color of the lighting will be purple. The clouds are pink and purple in the morning and on 12:30 in the afternoon they are green and blue

Nature On this planet nature is called “Walking Nature”, and some animals from earth will keep their form and some will mutate to adapt to the world. And who knows, we might mutate too! There is a Monarchy and there is a king named, “Sqazuzenberg Orem Jack.” He was born on the planet and knows everything about it. He rules over the visitors or the people who live there, and he rules with kindness and equality. King. Sqa (for short) has agreed to help us figure out how to plant and all the other things we need to live on the planet. Every electronic will stay the same but the power source will have to change. The Technology will be generated by the lighting the planet has.